Monday, February 16

Focus on the positive

Spring is coming, and I am holding on until then. A few daffodils have come from nowhere in my back yard. I want some red rain boots and feel for the first time in my life that I may be able to justify owning some. I have a 5-minute walk from my car into work now, and having damp ankles all morning is most unpleasant. There, I said I wouldn't complain on this blog, and I just did. Solid or dot pattern?


merilee said...

I love the simple, clean, cherry red ones... but polka dots are wonderful, too...

Runwithme said...

I think about you on rainy workdays. The boots are a good idea.

emily jane said...

I like the solid.

emily jane said...

Also, it's delightful to have you blog some. And also let's hang out.

Paula said...

Caroline, you need polka dots.

Guitta said...

welcome back to the blogosphere! and I think red rain boots sound cheerful and poetic and very spring--go for it!

megumi said...


It's funny as I was reading what you had written I thought I should tell you about the boots at Target! :o)

Do you like splooshing through puddles??? Hope you find some good ones.

sarah said...

I'm thinking about all the lovely solid red things you own and how polka-dots seem to be the logical next step ;-) hehe.

I don't really think stating a fact constitutes complaining - damp ankles is quite an unpleasant experience.